How to Succeed at Internet Dating
by John

OK, so here's the truth. Internet Dating WORKS. It's real and it gets you results. Take for example, just a few truisms:

  • The girls that are there are not only available, they are LOOKING
  • You have the opportunity to be present yourself in a manner you want to be seen. Feel like you've already blown it with the girls in your circle? Who cares! This is a fresh new start!
  • Think of all the money you've spent trying to convince a chick to like you--you can use a dating site to check out all the girls you want, MOST TIMES FOR FREE! And if you decide to pay for a subscription, it's a fraction of the cost of a date. Instead of taking out one one girl, you literally can "take out" hundreds! Even better, you're not wasting your money trying to get to know what a girl likes--she's on the dating site telling you EXACTLY what she's all about.

    "OK, John, you've convinced me that it is something that might work". NO, my friend--it WILL work...but you have to keep in mind what a chick wants and understand her game.

    What does she want? It's simple--what some other chick has. Look at ads for dating sites. When pitching to men, they show you a girl that you want. When pitching to women, those show a picture of a couple--she wants what that other girl has.

    What does this mean for me? When building your profile, make sure you have pictures of yourself with other girls. It's probably not a bad idea to be between two chicks and half crop their faces. That's another bonus. It tells the girl viewing your profile, "You might be good enough to be one with your whole face in my picture." Don't think this is weird (well it is, but it works!)--this is pure psychology.

    What else does she want? Here's the best part--it depends on what depends on what YOU'RE looking for. Crazy? Not. You sign up for a profile and start checking out girls. They are literally TELLING you what they want! It should be a crime for it to be this easy. But you also have to understand, from geeky girls to prep girls, they all love a confident guy. They talk on the phone to the soft and sensitive guy, but they fuck the confident guy. And be careful with this. It's confidence, not cocky. Don't be a douche. Again, it's ALL in the pics you have of yourself. Before she reads a WORD on your profile, she's looked at MOST of your pics. Make sure you're having fun in them--and if you took a picture of yourself, just be careful of that reached arm thing. Don't do it.

    OK, so it's all about my pictures? 98% of it, yes. The rest is you being what you want her to see. Don't put anything geeky unless you want geeky chicks. Don't be sporty unless you want a sporty chick. You get the idea. An even better idea is to scout chicks and get a feel about what they're looking for, THEN build your profiles.

    Which brings up my next point--multiple sites and multiple profiles will yield better results. Look around the site and get a feel about the girls you like. REMEMBER: SIGNING UP FOR A PROFILE TO LOOK AROUND IS FREE! Why WOULDN'T you take up an offer like that? You'll find that each site is a little different and your profile on each site should probably reflect what they're looking for. This works if you're wanting to be a playa or a sweet boyfriend. Remember--she's being selective about you. You should be selective about them.

    I'm sorry to say that in the country you're visiting from, I don't have any options, but it doesn't mean I'm not out there doing the research. Take this advice, go to a site you know, and use the adivce. How To Talk to Chicks has a global audience and I'm here to help. Shoot me an email via the contact link below and I'll get on it and email you back before I update. Sorry.:



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